Nernst l usoro na-abụghị nkụ na-acha odo odo na ụdị ikuku oxygen oxygen
Ntinye ngwa
Nernst l usoro na-enweghị okpomokuinyochaA na-eji ya iji tụọ ọdịnaya oxygen dị iche iche na-ekpo ọkụ, ntụ ntụ na-ekpo ọkụ na-enwu ọkụ na ọkụ ọgwụgwọ. Ọnọdụ okpomọkụ na-akwado gas gas dị na 700 Celsius C ~ 1200 Celsius C. Ihe nchebe dị na mpụga.
The probe can be directly connected to Nernst's oxygen analyzer. It can also be equipped with oxygen analyzers and oxygen sensors produced by other companies. Oseihe nwokeoxygen staynwere ike tụọ oxygen n'ọtụtụ dị obosara, site na 10-.30
•Mogosi: L usoro na-enweghị okpomokuinyocha
•Shei ihe: Superloy
•: 700 Celsius C ~ 1200 Celsius C
•Njikwa okpomoku: Oké okpomoku
•: Nyocha a kwadebere 1.5 "ma ọ bụ 1". Onye ọrụ nwere ike ịhazi faịlụ ọkụ nke mgbidi ọkụ dị ka ihe osise ahụ dị na ntuziaka.
• : Mkpopụta gas na nyocha nke ihe dị ka 50 ml / min. Jiri gas maka ngwa ahụ ma na-enye gas site na nrụgide na-ebelata valvụ valve na mita na-asọpụta site n'aka onye ọrụ. The manufacturer provides the PVC connecting pipe from the float flowmeter to the sensor and the connector at the sensor end with the transmitter.
•Achịcha gas: Pvc pipe na dayameta nke 1/4 "(6.4mm) na dayameta nke 4 (mm).
•Lelee njikọ gas: Ihe mmetụta nwere ikuku ikuku nwere ike ịgafe gas. Mgbe enyochaghi ya, nnukwu ihe na-emechi ya. Mgbe ị na-achịkwa ikuku, a na-achịkwa ọnụego ndị ahụ na ihe dị ka 1000 ml kwa nkeji. Onye rụpụtara ọrụ na-enye 1/8 "NTTENTED na nkwonkwo Phg nwere ike ijikọ na PVC PIPS.
•Ndụ batrị zirconium: 4-6 afọ nke ọrụ na-aga n'ihu. Ọ dabere na ihe mejupụtara gas na okpomoku.
•Oge nzaghachi: erughị 4 sekọnd
• Iyo
• Pụrụ Iche Chebe Pụrụ Iche: ¢ 18 (mm)
•Akwukwo nyocha nke puru iche:
•Njikọ Nyocha: Direct ụdị plọg plọg ma ọ bụ sket avation.
• Aro
•Ikpema: Mgbe echichi mmalite nke sistemụ ahụ kwụsiri ike, ọ dị mkpa ka enyocha ya otu oge.
Ihe nlere anya | Ihe ngosi ihe mgbawa | Ogologo |
L0250 (ex) | 250mm | |
L0500 | L0500 (ex) | 500mm |
L0750 (ex) | ||
L1000 | L1000 (ex) |